The weather got hot, and things around here slowed to a crawl. The bathroom guy, last I heard from him, is delayed (no big shock there.) I cut a few more holes in the ceiling of the bathroom before deciding to let the hired guns take care of the rest. I got the trim and door finished, and most of the hardware installed.
The first time they shipped my toilet. This is exactly how it looked when I opened the box.
The second time they shipped it. Crazy what an inner pack and some padding will do. The second one was fine.
Other than that, it's just be a march of mowing the yard, picking bugs off my plants, and murdering jumping worms.
Oh yes, they are everywhere now.
I'm not 100% convinced that they only came in on the dirt. I'm now finding them everywhere I had spread mulch last year. The soil right below the mulch is grainy, like coffee grounds. Nothing wants to grow in it except other invasives.
In no particular order:
Chandos got a new sack of catnip. She was thrilled.
I wound up working from my Sister's place for about a week. I had had supervision.
We celebrated Mr Horse's birthday with a jelly donut. He loves jelly donuts. He only gets one on his birthday.
Jewel weed, North America's native impatient, is in full bloom
Found some Ghost Pipes up in the woods.
Pulled some of the early potatoes. They did ok, considering the crappy July we had.
Jumping worm castings. All that pebbly poo is not a good sign.
It's a little hard to see here, but a big limb came off my Big Oak tree.
My tiny Zinnias are doing ok.
String beans are about the only thing I've gotten out of the garden in any quantity.
I went out to a public event, which was Super Weird. (And super geeky.)
I've played with my bees quite a bit. They seem to be doing well, but I don't know how much honey there will be for us humans. July was rough on them.
And I found a stick bug on my marigold. That was pretty neat. I've seen a couple around here in the last few years.
My hope is that the bathroom guy can start soon. The roof stuff sort of needs to be done when it's not snowing.