Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween

 I haven't forgotten the blog, I've just been pretty busy with my stained glass class.

Finished up this pretty little piece. Learned how to use cement (vs putty) to finish it.

Started a new piece.
This is a 50% to scale recreation of a window found in Vermeer's painting "The Little Street" c.1658

50% to size meant the lead was suuuper small and difficult to work with.

Got it done in time for the last class and started cementing the first side. It's a real pain in the butt to cement deep leads and antique glass.

Vermeer's "The Little Street" - the lead pattern I'm doing is the second floor window.
I've decided this is a "showing off" pattern - it's much more annoying to cut than regular old rectangles or diamonds.

Happy Halloween!