A while back I found this beat-up antique quit at a local shop.
"Just don't wash it" they said.
Then the cat promptly puked on it.
Needless to say, it had to be washed. A number of times. I wasn't so concerned because I think it cost me $35, and held no historical or sentimental value. Heck, the back and batting are modern material, so I suspect someone lifted this well-loved (and stained) top off an old quilt and repurposed it.
The reason they told me not to wash it is because some of the fibers were so old (and I suspect dry-rotted) that they just started to disintegrate. Not all of them, just specific patterns.
This red fabric specifically didn't age well, but neither did a brown pattern.
You can see the center red diamonds are failing. At the very bottom I'd already removed one entirely.
I got some similar fabric that is close, but not matching. I didn't want to try to match it.
I think this is the first time I've had the iron out in years.
Ironed over a little bit to grab on to
And then very carefully blanket stitched them on.
TaDa! Fixed patch.
I had thought I could just sort of applique over the existing fabric, but removing it entirely was better. I also started out by trying to do a running stitch on the back of three sides, and then blanket stitching the 4th, (sort of the idea of sewing a pillow) but that was not as easy as I had hoped.
My blanket stitch got much better by the time I was done.
All told, I replaced 11 diamonds - 9 red and two blue. I restitched a bunch of other seams where the fabric had just shredded. Someday I might wind up replacing them too.
Not the best work, but at least there's no holes I can put my hand through any more.
The cat seems pretty pleased, anyway, and if you look fast from a distance, you can barely tell. It's really not the prettiest quilt in the world, but someone took the time to make it (and remake it) so I figure I should at least mend it. The cat thinks it's fine. It does have a particular smell I've never been able to get out.
Fixed. |