This weekend saw the push to really get the master bedroom painted and done. I got there, all but for some window caulk and getting the doors back up.
I had already put up 2 coats of ceiling paint, but it really needed a 3rd. So I got that done, and then put up two coats of "Van Cortland Blue", and "Super White" trim.
I also discovered the joy of Frogtape for delicate surfaces. I used to be really good at edging, but that hand steadiness has diminished, and I was tired. Now I tape for straight lines. Of course, taping for straight lines means that there actually are straight planes to begin with.
I thought this room would be "easy". There's a lot of weird angles and awkward spaces to try to get. The ceiling is just a hair too high for me to get to, so I was perched on a bucket for part of it, and on my knees the rest of the time. I ache today, let me tell you.
Even with all the spackling, the last bedroom of blown-out walls is bound to be more easy, just because it has
straight walls.
Before. The whole room was an slightly tan off-white. |
After! I even got the light fixture back up. I'm going to swap out the outlets for white ones with white plates to match. |
I started stripping the doors for this room (main door and closet) and found this perfect little repair. I am not the first person to re-purpose these doors. Reduce, reuse, recycle! |
Oiled, you can see it a little better there were pencil marks on this door too, but nothing legible. |
Oiled closet door on the left, un-oiled bedroom door on the right. I've been treating them with 1/2 linseed oil, 1/2 turpentine. The wood is alarmingly dry. |
At some point this week, I'll put on the respirator and give the main door two sides of oil primer. The closet is only going to get one side of primer, and a clear coat on the other. Here's why:
Now there's a pinterest-worthy door. |
It's actually much prettier in person. This green over/green over/brown surface is what happened when I sanded off the top layer of white latex paint. It's the inside of the closet, so for the most part it won't be seen. It's a lovely little nod to the history of the place.
I also got the kitchen faucet fixed! For real and for true this time! It only took a whole new fixture to do it.
Old, dead faucet, with a box on the handle to remind me not to try to use the water. |
New faucet! Much higher quality. Gives me hot water when I ask, and the faucet head actually swings the way it should! |
One thing down.
The tile is still spitting out grout, but I can't figure out what tile is loose. Or maybe it was just a badly mixed patch of grout? Not sure.
Tonight! Fun with sand blasting!
This week! Painting doors!
Look forward to the next installment!