Another area of the house that I wanted to insulate was the door to the crawl space.
That little funny door, upper center right. |
There is no attic in this house. I'm certain there's a crawl space over the front of the house that has no interior access, but this door accesses the crawl space that extends out over the addition. There is the original roof that separates the two spaces, with no passage between, as far as I know, though there might be one to the upper right, behind the kind of scary hole. I have no desire to find out right now.
The kind of scary hole. |
Little effort to remove the fiberglass.
I just stuffed it in the hole. |
What we see here is a combination of some sort of loose insulation and fiberglass. That diagonal line inside the crawl space are two cut boards. I'm not sure if they are part of the original roof, or were put there as part of the addition construction. That angle, seen in the frame and those boards, follow the original roof pitch. The fiberglass was being held to the door with a few staples. The door was repurposed from elsewhere. The cross boards are nicely beveled except on the closing edge of - you can see a cut mark extending vertically where the person trimming went a little deep.
Cut marks line up with the flat edge. Bevel seen on top and bottom edge.
Also, no paint where the board used to be, but hard to see here. |
Determining the prior life of the door was not my goal (Though I'm thinking it was part of one of the doors removed when the master bedroom was made by removing a wall between two smaller rooms.) Getting the scary hole from sucking the heat out of the house was my priority. Space age bubble blanket and foam board insulation to the rescue!
I stapled on a double layer of shiny bubble in the center to take up space, and then screwed a sheet of foam on over it and trimmed the foam to shape. I forgot to take a picture of the bubble step, but here's the finished result.
Slightly less scary now. Much more insulated. | |
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