Back while Ian redid the shed roof, I started looking at the retaining wall/old barn foundation. Due to neglect, some of the big rocks have tumbled out, and a lot of dirt has washed down the hill. Compounded by leaves that were never raked out and turned to compost, the hill was starting to slide into the shed. I moved what rocks I could, and raked out the debris. In the process, I found stuff.
No idea what this is. It's about 8" long. No marks that I can find.
Bits and pieces. This glass was exceptionally thick-walled. Someone planted Early something. Peas?
Whatever this was, it came from a large circumference bottle or jar. Bigger than a quart, in my guess.
Found this tucked in the rocks. I cleaned it up and hung it in the shed. The gold is still shiny.
I think these are old radiator valves? A ton of these went in the dumpster for scrap. Never mind my house doesn't have radiators, in this condition, they literally can not be reused by anyone.
The Holy Grail - Proof that plausibly, once upon a time, my house had weighted sash windows. I held onto this. Window weights are getting hard to come by.
As cleaned up as it's going to be for now. I think short of an excavator, or some really fun leavers and pullies, the two remaining rocks will have to live where they lie. I'm doing some investigation on how to get them back up in their proper positions. It would make accessing the back of the shed a lot more convenient. You can see how the water pressure has bowed out the wall over time.
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