"...Don't stop for nobody
This time I'll keep my feet on solid ground
Now I understand myself when I'm down
Like the sweet sound of hip music
There'll always be something new
To keep the tables turning..."
- "And the Beat Goes On" by The Whispers
"There'll always be something new to keep the tables turning," should be my theme song, really.
Last year -the second repeat of 2020- was a bit of a ride. I got all the garden beds made and had only fair success with my crops, after being plagued by pests and drought. My dad came down and took care of some ice damaged trees for me, and I exchanged some design services for some other tree work from a friend, but in the long run, my garden is not as full-sun as I thought.
I survived more layoffs, a break-up, a stunningly *awful* "vacation", and the bathroom contractor stealing my deposit. I spent $$ on getting: the step in the front of my house fixed, the driveway sealed, the radon system cleaned and fixed, the lawnmower fixed, fancy mortar mixed up and installed, and eight magical windows replaced in the house.
I hiked many more miles around New England, and tried to get out some.
The view from one of my typical morning routes.
I was able to swing 2 weeks of vacation off around the holidays, and had a plan to finish the dang living room if it killed me. The new windows were in thanks to Window World of Boston, so there was nothing stopping me now except lethargy and ambivolance. |
New windows, but no trim.
Threw the old curtains over everything to protect it.
View of the Van Cortland Blue wall. Even a year later, though pretty enough, it bugged me that I thought it would be darker.
With that in mind, when I started priming the walls I just sort of... kept priming the walls.
With trim! And Primed!
New blue! "Newburyport Blue" (matte). Much closer to what I was thinking. The
mirror my grandma gave me for my 16th birthday just looks so...
sophistocated... on this dark blue. The walls are Stonington Grey (matte), the trim Super White (gloss).
While I was at it, I painted the hallway Stonington Grey to match. I did not repaint eh door or sidelights because they are metal and super cold to the touch right now. I might repaint them in the spring. Or not at all. The grey is a shade darker than what was there. |
Part of dealing with the living room meant dealing with the ant-eaten baseboard trim that had been long-since removed. I had two planks which I was able to take to work and get planed down to 7/8", and then brough home to try to work out how to get them back up.
They aren't perfect. Just don't look very closely and it's fine.
I don't have a miter box, so instead I was just very very careful. Again, not perfect, but only off by about 1/8" when I went to overlap the boards.
Being a very smart bear, I put in a lovely hole for a box for this low voltage coax cable to pass through. Forgetting where the wind braces in the wall are. You can't see it, but the upper half of the hole on the diagonal is completely blocked by the wind brace behind the paper. This lead to a merry chase of figuring out how the heck I was now going to cover the stupid hole in the wall.
After dry fitting, I primed them in the basement while contemplating my coverage options.
After a number of false starts, this is where I wound up. This is the type of plate usually found in places like office cubes, and the back has been heavily modified, but again, it's clean, and it's done. They came in a two-pack, so I modified the hole in the floor on the other side of the living room to the same style (where the internet comes up from the basement). Is it "right"? No, but neither does it look like a drunk beaver attacked my floor any more.
It's me, hi, I'm the drunk beaver.
This did allow me to find out that the undersides of my floorboards are printed with the word "Everlasting". So that's fun.
The room does look really, really nice now. The floors are in rough shape, but I think there's really only one stressed out layer of varnish in most areas. At this rate, I've refinished miles of trim, how hard can a floor be? But that's for warmer months.
In between waiting for coats of paint to dry, I've been continuing to repoint the basement with my precious, accurate mortar.
15 sacks of mortar from Pennsylvania
Rocks from my neighbor's yard. Our local BuyNothing group is fantastic for weird requests like "Can I come take rocks out of your yard?"
In a fit of thoroughness I rinsed off the rocks.
And then I piled them up roughly by size near the bulkhead so I could grab them when necessary. It's crazy to me to think that now this pile is mostly gone already.
I started at the edge of the bulkhead door. This is 2 sacks (80lbs) worth of progress.
Two more sacks.
At this point we had a huge rain event that came up from the south, blowing the rain into the south side of the house where (you guessed it) my fresh mortar was curing in the basement. In thign picture, water was actively seaping in and dripping down the rocks. It seems to have set up regardless, so we'll see.
4 more sacks got me around behind the radon tank.
At this point I've sort of lost track of how many sacks of mortar are on the wall. All I know is that I've got it down where it's about an hour per sack, and I can only do 2 a night. My chiroprator this this is a *great* hobby, and everyone should do it. And then go visit him.
At this point I noticed the radon tank was acting up - it's supposed to shut off after a predetermined amount of time, and this was just running forever. I manually shut it off and called the installer. They came out and cleaned it ($225) and discovered I had a bad timer ($75). It's all fixed now and taking the radon out of my house correctly again. I'm hopeful the bleach taste works it's way out of the system quickly.
I made it over to the furnace! Bigger rock faces means it goes faster because there's fewer seams to fill.
This is how the magic happens. A pan, a hoe, about 3/4 of a gallon of water, and a 40 lb sack or mortar. Mix until it holds it form and is workable, for at least 5 minutes.) (I wind up working the water in for at least 15 usually.) You don't want it too thin or it just oozes out of the wall. You don't want it too dry or it doesn't stay put in the cracks.
Around the corner and past the hole into the crawlspace under the bathroom! At this point, I have 4 more sacks left. I'm pretty sure that will get me up to and past the water pipes you see there that feed the bathroom/outside.
After I run out of mortar, I'm going to have to figure out the next time I can get down to Telford, PA to get the last of it. I'm hoping only maybe 20 more bags? I'm going to have to remeasure and do some noodling about that.
Other things I've been up to is some painting for SCA projects:
Auction device front
Auction device back. I got to do the device for one of the precious few female knights in the SCA. It was like painting for a unicorn.
Had the paints out so I did up this little ornament for Ian as a xmass gift, and as a little challenge for myself. It incorporates all three symbols of his peerages: Laurel leaves for his Laurel (Arts and Sciences High Achievement), a pelican in her piety for his Pelican (Service High Achievement), and the white belt for his Knighthood (Armored Combat High Achievement.) The little gold shield with the black spear are his personal arms.
And a whole bunch of hiking:
Behind my house in the Williams Preserve
Mt Pisgah up in Northborough
Lower part of Mt Greylock in Adams back around Thanksgiving.
DCR land over in Westborough
Hodges Village West loop out in Oxford.
My sister convinced me to try her trekking poles a little while back, and after some hesitation, I discovered that for anything over 2 miles I really, Really like them. Keeps you from getting "fat fingers", and I feel like it keeps my upper body more engaged. Plus the added stability allows you to be able to pay more attention to your surroundings, not just on your footing.
Uxbridge State Forest - Dean Pond
So what's the next year going to bring? That will be the next post. :)
It better bring more catnip, is all I'm sayin'.
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