I finally was able to complete the shed door this past weekend. It took about 8 hours over the course of the week, dodging rain drops, and making trips to the store for things I needed. But it's done -
Patch applied, I think this was post sanding. Worked up from 60-120 grit, wiped it down with a tack cloth. |
First coat of primer. I wound up putting on 2 coats to smooth it out. |
First coat of paint. It was a lot more blue than I thought. |
Final - 2 coats of paint and an overnight dry dulled it down a bit. I need to pick up some black Rustolium in a can for the hardware, but other than that it's done! Next - the roof. |
In between the rounds of work on the shed, I decided to deal with the basement stairwell. First, because the mosquitos in town now carry EEE, so I can't be outside in the evening unless I'm dosed with bug spray. Second, because even though the dehumidifier makes the basement warm, it's dry, and feels nicer. Third, all the stuff hanging on the wall right at the top bugged me.
Plus, I could practice spackle in a place where it doesn't really matter.
Before cleaning and removing a rail. Dual rails are great, but it make the stairwell really narrow. I will store it so that in the future if it's a code issue, I can slap it back up. |
Post TSP scrub and rail removal. Just scrubbing the left wall made a huge difference. |
Patches patched. Some were pretty deep, so I am going to let it dry for a good 24 hours before smooshing on another coat. |
One downside to dating a historic preservationist, (hi Honey!) is that you pick up things by the very virtue of being at trade get-togethers and having evening conversations. He's a professional, and I mean well. I know there's right ways and wrong ways of doing things, and in the case of this basement wall, it probably should be stabilized with plaster washers and injected adhesives and all sorts of things. Pricey things. I know this. But... forgive me... I just want it to not have lath showing, so I'm smooshing spackle and fiberglass tape over the worst of it and smoothing it out (sort of.) The worst part is right over the light switch, which you can't see very well in the pictures, but at least it's not a gaping hole anymore. The patch might fall out in a year, but until then, for a basement stairwell, it will be good enough. Rather than tape and fill the corners, I think I'm just going to get some 1/4 round molding to cover the gaps. I think electrical runs around behind there, so I don't want to make it super difficult to get at.
Stay tuned for the continuing adventures in basement stairwells!
Some Pig. |
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