I was a long weekend for a variety of reasons. But!
I got the basement stairwell as done as ti's going to be:
The paint is a light blue-grey semi-gloss. |
Pre-lightswitch plate and railing re-install. The motion sensitive LED battery light is nice. |
I've since added back the switchplate and railing. It's as done as it's going to be. |
The guys showed up at 8:30 to start sealing my driveway - all 172' of my driveway. I felt they did a really good job, and the end result around 4 pm looked like:
Do not cross for 4 days! |
All nice and black! |
So that's ticked off the list.
At some point this weekend... Saturday morning? I discovered that the freezer is no longer freezing on my fridge. I lost a bunch of stuff, put the still frozen stuff in a cooler and hoofed it over to a friend's house to stuff in their chest freezer for now. Knowing I was going to have to replace the fridge, and wanting to replace it into the mudroom instead of the kitchen, I started demolishing the mudroom Sunday morning.
Closet doors off. |
Shelves can't stay and accmomodate a modern fridge. |
The closet was added before the outer wall of the mudroom shifted. |
Closet and shelves out. Electric box will need to just be moved. (That is the cold air intake to nowhere.) |
Next up - Remove the rest of the closet shelving/rod parts, fix the walls, pull up the carpet. Try to determine where the electrical comes to that wall from. Try to get the electrical in the wall and not spidering out as a web of conduit. Eventually fix the floor, level things, and get the fridge in this room.
The idea is to put the fridge and a stacking washer/dryer on that back wall next to each other. I know putting a dryer basically on top of a refrigerator is a bad idea, but there's precious little room in this house to accommodate both. I might start with a washer and do a lot of line drying (eventually).
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